All You should Know about Canary Islands

What are Canary Islands?

Canary Islands, Spanish Islas Canarias, comunidad autónoma (independent local area) of Spain. It comprises of an archipelago in the Atlantic Ocean. The closest island to it is 67 miles (108 km) off the northwest African central area. The Canaries involve the Spanish provinces (regions) of Las Palmas and Santa Cruz de Tenerife. Likewise, the separate boards of Gran Canaria, Fuerteventura, Lanzarote, Tenerife, La Palma, La Gomera, and Ferro. The independent local area was set up by the resolution of independence of August 10, 1982. The capital is Santa Cruz de Tenerife. Area is 2,875 square miles (7,447 square km). Pop. (2011) 2,082,655; (2019 est.) 2,153,389.

The Canary Islands (Spanish: Canarias, articulated [kaˈnaɾjas]), likewise referred to casually as the Canaries. Thus, they are a Spanish archipelago in the Atlantic Ocean, in an area known as Macaronesia. At their nearest highlight the African central area, they are 100 kilometers (62 miles) west of Morocco. They are the southernmost of the independent networks of Spain, and are situated in the African Tectonic Plate. The archipelago is financially and politically European. It has been colonized by Spain, and is essential for the European Union.

Population of Canary Islands:

In 2019, the Canary Islands had a population of 2,153,389, with a thickness of 287.39 occupants per km2. Thus, making it the 8th most crowded independent local area of Spain. The population is for the most part amassed in the two capital islands. Around 43% on the island of Tenerife and 40% on the island of Gran Canaria. The native Berber population have been to a great extent cleared out through the Spanish colonization. That is despite the fact that their DNA stays in the Canary Island population today.

Is Canary Island Good for A Vacation?

Is Canary Island Good for A Vacation?

The Canary Islands, particularly Tenerife, Gran Canaria, Fuerteventura, and Lanzarote, are a significant vacationer location. An estimate of 12 million visitors visits each year. 

What are Canary Islands Famous for?

What are Canary Islands Famous for?

They are famous for their sea shores, subtropical environment, and significant normal attractions. Some of the include; Maspalomas in Gran Canaria, Teide National Park, and Mount Teide (a World Heritage Site) in Tenerife. Mount Teide is the most noteworthy top in Spain and the third tallest fountain of liquid magma on the planet, estimated from its base on the sea floor. 

canary islands history

The islands have warm summers and winters warm enough for the environment to be in fact tropical adrift level. The level of humidity and the degree of oceanic balance shift depends upon area and height. Moreover, the archipelago includes green regions just as desert regions. Furthermore, islands’ high mountains are great for galactic perception, since they lie over the temperature reversal layer. Therefore, the archipelago flaunts two expert observatories: Teide Observatory on the island of Tenerife, and Roque de los Muchachos Observatory on the island of La Palma.

In 1927, the Province of Canary Islands was parted into two regions. In 1982, the independent local area of the Canary Islands was set up. The urban areas of Santa Cruz de Tenerife and Las Palmas de Gran Canaria are, mutually, the capital of the islands. Those urban areas are additionally, individually, the capitals of the territories of Santa Cruz de Tenerife and Las Palmas. 

Las Palmas:

Las Palmas de Gran Canaria has been the biggest city in the Canaries starting around 1768. But it was not in a short period of 1910s. Santa Cruz de Tenerife was the sole capital of the Canary Islands between the 1833 regional division of Spain and 1927. In 1927, it was requested by pronouncement that the capital of the Canary Islands be divided among two urban communities. Thus, this plan perseveres to the present day.

 The third biggest city in the Canary Islands is San Cristóbal de La Laguna (a World Heritage Site) on Tenerife. This city is likewise home to the Consejo Consultivo de Canarias. It is the famous consultative body of the Canary Islands.

During the Age of Sail, the Canaries were the principle visit for Spanish vessels while heading to the Americas. They cruised that far south to get the predominant northeasterly exchange winds.


Truly, the Canaries fall into two groups. The western group, comprised of Tenerife, Gran Canaria, La Palma, La Gomera, and Ferro islands. Moreover, it comprises of mountain tops that ascent straightforwardly from a profound sea floor. 

The eastern group includes Lanzarote, Fuerteventura Island, and six islets conquering a single submarine level, the Canary Ridge. That ascents around 4,500 feet (1,400 meters) from the sea floor. Furthermore, Canary Islands were shaped by volcanic ejections a long period of time prior. Every one of the western islands surpass 4,000 feet (1,200 meters) at their most elevated focuses. Consequently, Teide Peak on Tenerife ascending to 12,198 feet (3,718 meters). It is most elevated point on Spanish soil.

Islands and Archipelagos

Islands and Archipelagos:

The islands’ rich volcanic soils and gentle temperatures support a wide variety of vegetation. That by and large follows a zonal game plan dependent on rise. From ocean level to around 1,300 feet (400 meters), plants normal for hot. Moreover, parched plots can be found. Also, better-watered or flooded parcels yield harvests of bananas, oranges, espresso, dates, sugarcane, and tobacco. 

From around 1,300 to 2,400 feet (400 to 730 meters) the environment is more Mediterranean. Therefore, cereals, potatoes, and grapes are the principle crops. Heights over 2,400 feet have an obviously cooler environment that supports stands of holly, myrtle, shrub, and different trees.

Population :

The population of Tenerife and Gran Canaria became quickly competitive with those of different islands in the 20th century. Canary Islands Spanish (a particular tongue of Spanish) is spoken in the Canaries. Moreover, certain old words impossible to miss to the archipelago show Portuguese impacts.

Agribusiness :

Agribusiness has for some time been the financial backbone of the Canaries. Wine from plants become on unirrigated slants shaped the staple item until 1853. In that year a grape sickness brought about by phylloxera (a plant mite) assaulted the grape plantations. Also, viticulture was soon generally supplanted by dye creation. The dye business declined (because of contest from manufactured colors) in the late 19th century. So, it was supplanted by the development of bananas, tomatoes, potatoes, and different vegetables and natural products. 

Bananas, which are as yet the Canaries’ driving harvest, are ensured in the Spanish market against unfamiliar contest. Tomatoes are developed among November and April for trade. Moreover, the development of blossoms and plants started in the late twentieth century. Cereal grains should generally be imported. Dry cultivating prevails on Fuerteventura and Lanzarote. Subsequently, the water system is far reaching on Gran Canaria and Tenerife. The pervasiveness of minifundiums, or little landholdings, has blocked the automation of farming on a portion of the islands.

Tourist Business :

The tourist business in the Canaries arose quickly after 1950, It has been going on with growth of the number of inns and government-run hotels. Las Palmas and Santa Cruz de Tenerife are the fundamental ports of call during the pinnacle tourist season. The seasons falls among December and March. The Canary Islands’ assembling ventures are limited scale outside Santa Cruz de Tenerife. Its oil treatment facility processes enormous amounts of unrefined petroleum. The Spanish government has supported interest in food-handling plants.

History of Canary Islands:

The first occupants of the Canaries were the Guanches (Guanche and Canario). They presently absorbed into everybody. Moreover, they were Berber individuals who were vanquished by the Spanish in the 15th century. The Romans learned of the Canaries through Juba II, lord of Mauritania. He has a record of an undertaking (c. 40 BCE) to the islands as safeguarded by the authors Plutarch and Pliny the Elder. The last choice specifies “Canaria, supposed from the huge number of canines [canes] of incredible size.” 

IN 999:

In 999 the Arabs landed and exchanged on Gran Canaria. During the 13th and 14th hundreds of years Genoese, Majorcan, Portuguese, and French guides visited the islands. Jean de Béthencourt, finished the victory of Lanzarote, Fuerteventura, and Ferro. He became lord of the islands by request of Henry III of Castile in 1404. Moreover, in December 1406 he got back to Europe. Therefore, leaving his nephew Maciot in control. 

Somewhere in the range of 1420 and 1479 a Portuguese power curbed Gomera. In 1479 the Treaty of Alcáçovas perceived Spanish sway over the Canaries. Thus, the success of the excess islands was finished in 1496. Christopher Columbus renewed every one of the four of his westward armadas in the Canaries. Consequently, that turned into an essential Spanish base on ocean courses to the Americas. In 1936 Gen. Francisco Franco involved the islands as the respectable starting point of the Nationalist revolt. Hence, going from that point to Spanish Morocco.



The Canary Islands have a subtropical environment. Temperatures are warm and show minimal occasional variety. At Las Palmas city, for instance, the normal evening temperature in August is in the high 70s F (around 26 °C). While in January it drops to around 70 °F (21 °C). Yearly rainfall, which is moved in November and December, is low, rarely greater than10 inches (250 mm) at anyplace. Except for the windward northeastern sides of the islands, where it might arrive at 30 inches (750 mm).


The climate is warm subtropical and generally semi-desertic, moderated by the sea and in summer by the trade winds. There are a number of microclimates and the classifications range mainly from semi-arid to desert. According to the Köppen climate classification the majority of the Canary Islands have a hot desert climate. It is represented as BWh, caused partly due to the cool Canary Current. There also exists a subtropical humid climate. Therefore, it is very influenced by the ocean in the middle of the islands of La Gomera, Tenerife and La Palma. It is the place where laurisilva cloud forests grow. The coastal areas of the islands usually have average temperatures above 18 °C (64 °F) in their coldest month. Thus, being considered tropical temperature-wise by Köppen.

West To East :

Requested from west to east, the Canary Islands are El Hierro, La Palma, La Gomera, Tenerife, Gran Canaria, Fuerteventura, Lanzarote and La Graciosa. Likewise, north of Lanzarote are the islets of Montaña Clara, Alegranza, Roque del Este and Roque del Oeste. Thus, having a place with the Chinijo Archipelago, and upper east of Fuerteventura is the islet of Lobos. There is likewise a progression of little neighboring rocks in the Canary Islands; the Roques de Anaga, Garachico, and Fasnia in Tenerife, and those of Salmor and Bonanza in El Hierro.

9 Main Canary Islands:

The nine important islands are (from biggest to littlest in region);

Tenerife, Fuerteventura, Gran Canaria, Lanzarote, La Palma, La Gomera, El Hierro and La Graciosa. The archipelago includes numerous more modest islands and islets. They include Alegranza, Isla de Lobos, Montaña Clara, Roque del Oeste, and Roque del Este. It likewise includes various rocks, including those of Salmor, Fasnia, Bonanza, Garachico, and Anaga. In antiquated occasions, the island tie was regularly referred to as “the Fortunate Isles”. The Canary Islands are the southernmost area of Spain, and the biggest and most crowded archipelago of Macaronesia. The Canary Islands have generally been viewed as a connection. That is between the four landmasses of Africa, North America, South America, and Europe. The reason is because of its huge area.

Thus, a list of islands is ;

  • El Hierro
  • Fuerteventura
  • La Palma
  • La Gomera
  • Tenerife
  • Gran Canaria
  • Fuerteventura
  • Lanzarote
  • La Graciosa
El Hierro

El Hierro

El Hierro canary islands

El Hierro is the westernmost island, covers 268.71 km2 (103.75 sq mi), making it the second littlest of the important islands. It is the most un-crowded with 10,798 occupants. The entire island was announced Reserve of the Biosphere in 2000. Its capital is Valverde. Otherwise called Ferro, it was once accepted to be the westernmost land on the planet.

Fuerteventura canary Islands



Fuerteventura, with a surface of 1,660 km2 (640 sq mi), is the second-most broad island of the archipelago. It has been proclaimed a Biosphere hold by Unesco. It has a populace of 113,275. Being likewise the oldest of the islands, it is the one that is more dissolved. Its most elevated point is the Peak of the Bramble, at a stature of 807 meters (2,648 feet). Its capital is Puerto del Rosario.

Gran Canaria

Gran Canaria Islands

Gran Canaria has 846,717 occupants. The capital, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria (377,203 occupants), is the most crowded city. Moreover, it offers the situation with capital of the Canaries with Santa Cruz de Tenerife. Gran Canaria’s surface region is 1,560 km2 (600 sq mi). In focus of the island lie the Roque Nublo 1,813 meters (5,948 feet). And also lies the Pico de las Nieves (“Peak of Snow”) 1,949 meters (6,394 feet). In the south of island are the Maspalomas Dunes (Gran Canaria), these are the greatest vacation destinations.

La Gomera

La Gomera Islands

La Gomera has an area of 369.76 km2 (142.77 sq mi) and is the second least crowded island with 21,136 occupants. Topographically it is one of the most established of the archipelago. The separate capital is San Sebastian de La Gomera. Garajonay’s National Park is situated on the island.


Lanzarote canary islands

Lanzarote is the easternmost island and one of the oldest of the archipelago, And, it has shown proof of ongoing volcanic action. It has a surface of 845.94 km2 (326.62 sq mi), and a population of 149,183 occupants. Thus, including the nearby islets of the Chinijo Archipelago. The capital is Arrecife, with 56,834 occupants.

Chinijo Archipelago

Chinijo Archipelago islands

The Chinijo Archipelago includes the islands La Graciosa, Alegranza, Montaña Clara, Roque del Este, and Roque del Oeste. It has a surface of 40.8 km2 (15.8 sq mi), and just La Graciosa is populate, with 658 occupants. With 29 km2 (11 sq mi), La Graciosa, is the littlest occupied island of the Canaries. It is the significant island of the Chinijo Archipelago.

La Palma

La Palma

La Palma, with 81,863 occupants covering an area of 708.32 km2 (273.48 sq mi). It is completely a biosphere safe. For long it gave no indications of volcanic action. That is despite the fact that the fountain of liquid magma Teneguía went into emission rearward in 1971. On September 19, 2021, the volcanic Cumbre Vieja on the island emitted. It is the second-most noteworthy island of the Canaries. Along with the Roque de los Muchachos at 2,423 meters (7,949 feet) as its most noteworthy point. St Nick Cruz de La Palma (referred to those on the island as just “Santa Clause Cruz”) is its capital.


Tenerife islands

Tenerife is, with its area of 2,034 km2 (785 sq mi), the largest island of the Canary Islands. Moreover, with 904,713 occupants it is the most populated island of the archipelago and Spain. Two of the islands’ main urban communities are situated on it: The capital, Santa Cruz de Tenerife and San Cristóbal de La Laguna (a World Heritage Site). San Cristóbal de La Laguna, the second city of the island is home to the most seasoned college in the Canary Islands, the University of La Laguna. Teide, with its 3,715 meters (12,188 feet) is the most elevated pinnacle of Spain and furthermore a World Heritage Site. Tenerife is the site of the most exceedingly awful air fiasco throughout the entire existence of flying, wherein 583 individuals were killed in the impact of two Boeing 747s on 27 March 1977.

La Graciosa

La Graciosa canary islands

Graciosa Island or normally La Graciosa is a volcanic island in the Canary Islands of Spain. It is 2 km (1.2 mi) north of the island of Lanzarote across the Strait of El Río. It was shape by the Canary area of interest. The island is important for the Chinijo Archipelago and the Chinijo Archipelago Natural Park (Parque Natural del Archipiélago Chinijo). It is administrate by the district of Teguise. In 2018 La Graciosa authoritatively turned into the 8th Canary Island. Before then, at that point, La Graciosa had the situation with an islet. It was officially subject to the island of Lanzarote. It is the smallest and least populated of the principle islands, with a population of around 700 individuals.

Holidays in Canary Islands:

Some holidays of those celebrated in the Canary Islands are international and national, others are regional holidays and others are of insular character. The official day of the autonomous community is Canary Islands Day on 30 May. The anniversary of the first session of the Parliament of the Canary Islands, based in the city of Santa Cruz de Tenerife, held on 30 May 1983, is commemorated with this day.


Canary Islands are the nearest, approximately 67 miles from northwest African mainland. They have 9 main islands which are beautiful and have their own specialties. The soil and land of these islands are great for agricultural purposes. Moreover, they are greatly knows for their climate. Subsequently, they have become a tourist attraction. It is definitely a good tourist place with 12 million visitors each year. If you are planning for a vacation, make sure they are on your visit list. 

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